Manifestation Magic Review [Brainwash Yourself]

The Manifestation Magic is a product that contains hours of audio files and a couple of spiritual e-guidebooks, that claims to make you wealthier. While there's no way I would believe that a $27 product from ClickBank brings a miracle just like that, I was curious enough to give it a try. If I can change my mindset for better, have an ability to create more happy thoughts and take more positive attitudes by experimenting with this product, then it may be worth recommending to others. That's what I thought, despite seeing the scammy advertisements.
So today in my Manifestation Magic review, I'd like to share my slightly out-of-ordinary experience with you. And no, nothing supernatural.
Manifestation Magic Review
Firstly - if you are interested in the product and click the button below, the invitation price may (sneakily) show up as $47 in the first instance. Click the button once or twice more, until you see a different page offering it for a discounted price of $27. Make sure you're not overpaying!

Sales Page Is A Letdown

The Manifestation Magic's sales page is full of dubious lines - "How to magically manifest REAL, spendable cash, starting in the next 24 hours." And there are some self-proclaimed "real reviews from real people" include, "I got $322 unexpected deposit into my bank account!"
Now that's stupid. You know that, and I know that. The page certainly seems to be attracting a lot of get-rich-quick dreamers because this is one of the very popular products from ClickBank. Maybe Alexander the creator previously advertised this product more genuinely, but wasn't selling it as much as he does now this way. So the sales page is a huge letdown for me.
Manifestation Magic - What's Included
Manifestation Magic has a 60-page "Quick Start Manifestation Guide" ebook plus 5.5 hours worth of audio recordings.
Plus "Special Surprises Bonuses" including one more book and 2 more hours worth of extra recordings. This "Surprise" bonus can actually be accessed via your smartphone, whether you purchase this product or not - just try the app from Apple Store or Google Store (search by Manifestation Magic), you can access these bonus files for free.

Quick Start Manifestation Guide

This 60-page, 2-part guidebook can be downloaded in PDF, Kindle format or iBooks format from your dashboard.
In Part 1, Alexander explains how it all works. He helps you to understand what each audio track is about, when to listen, how often and how the sound can actually help you.
So the guide is essential, but also very brief. I would have liked to learn it a little deeper, especially on each "brainwaves" (Alpha, Theta and Beta), and also on chakras. The 'solar plexus' and 'pineal gland' and all that - don't know what they mean. A penile what? (Yes I just wikichecked those.) I also would have appreciated more if Alexander had explained the aftereffects of each session - although I understand that everyone may respond differently.

Part 2 is Alexander's manifestation guide, how to get clear on what you want, visualize it, overcome obstacles, etc. The manifestation guide comes with "The Cosmic Order Form" that you fill in - basically you write down your manifestations; such as why you want to manifest money into your life, what you're grateful for, wha you're inspired by. It helps you to visualize your desire.

Audio #1 "Energy Orbiting"

Alexander Wilson
Hypnotic narratives by Russell Brand, I mean Alexander Wilson. The photo's not genuine though! Just a model.
Throughout the audio sessions, Alexander talks you through the manifestation in a calm tone of, or rather hypnotic voice with the particular wave of background sound. He says you don't necessarily have to listen to his narratives - but you can keep it at a low volume as a background because what matters is the particular frequency of sound waves (Alpha, Theta and Beta) that works on your neuron.
  • Twilight Transformation (20 mins) - Delta Audio - Delta brainwaves are low-frequency waves such as a drum beat, cause deep unconscious programming and relaxation. These waves promote healing and regeneration. Listen to it every night before sleep or during sleep on repeat. It works by implanting suggestions that will change your money beliefs.
  • Daytime Wealth Energy Orbiting (20 mins) - Beta Audio - Beta brainwaves are prominent when you are on alert, such as problem-solving or making a decision. Have it running in the background while you work, and it will help you to focus on the task at hand, and help you to be more productive.
  • 10 Minute Meditator Part 1 & 2 (10 mins each) - Theta Audio - Theta brainwaves occur just before falling asleep and also when you start to wake up. They are associated with deep meditation, Learning, intuition and vivid imagination.

Audio #2 "Chakra Power System"

Chakra Power System
The "Chakra Power System" is a set of 7 audio sessions, 10 minutes per session. Each one focuses on negative patterns associated with one of 7 chakras (energy centers in the body).
  1. The Root Base Clearing Session (the base) - Clears feelings of fear around money and installs feelings of safety and security about money.
  2. The Sacral Chakra Clearing Session (the sacral) - embeds positive feelings about money.
  3. The Solar Plexus Full Potential Session (the solar plexus) - uses your creativity in making money by helping others.
  4. The Heart-Gratitude Abundance Session (the heart) - taps into your gratitude, welcomes the flow of money energy into your life.
  5. The Throat Chakra True-Self Session (the throat) - 'tunes' your thoughts to an authentic wealth mindset. (I don't fully understand this particular one, to be honest!)
  6. The Pineal Gland Intuition Session (the pineal gland) - allows you to trust your intuition, takes intuitive action on creating wealth.
  7. The Crown Chakra Highest Purpose Session (the crown) - helps you to line up with your highest purpose of creating wealth.

Audio #3 "Magic 360 Transformation System"

No. 3 "Whispering Waves" which is a continuous sound of a storm surge. The rest is a collection of calm music. I can't help but describe it as just a piece of new-age synth music from 1970s like Kitarō. But these sounds do calm me down. No narratives.
  1. Wealth Awakening (17 mins) - Listen in the morning as a background.
  2. Whispering Waves (30 mins) - Listen when you lay or sit. It will "encode the rhythm of change within you".
  3. The Heartbeat (51 mins) - Designed to focus you on your heart center, so you can make decisions based on heart intuition and inner guidance.
  4. Stargaze (21 mins) - It will create an inner space of alchemy and creative energy.
  5. Slow String Relaxation (21 mins) - The music will give you an emotional lift when you are feeling down or drained.
  6. Mystical Chi Gung (25 mins) - Listen in the evening to unwind after your daily efforts. Get some light exercise while listening for the maximum effect.
  7. Divine Tranquility (20 mins) - It will take your focus inwardly to find your peace. When you feel lost or overwhelmed, it will get back to your center.

Free Bonus

17 Sacred Signs From The Universe
One ebook plus 3 audio files come as a free bonus, but as I mentioned earlier, these can be obtained free via a smartphone app.

Book: "17 Sacred Signs From The Universe"

This 59-page ebook written by Alexander tells you that there are 17 types of signs from the Universe and what each one means. How these signs can help your careers, relationships and meaning of our lives. Also "5 Second Secret" tips and advice to manifest your desires. 

3 x Audio Files

  1. The Abundance Miracle Tone (20 mins) - Calm music that's incorporated with a "528Hz sound frequency".
  2. Twilight Sleep Manifestation (30 mins) - Calm music to make you fall asleep.
  3. Deep Sleep Soundscape (20 mins) - a woman's narratives with a "delta" brainwave background sound to calm you down and have a deep sleep at night.

My Manifestation Magic Experience

I'd always had my radio on (pop music) all day in my home office. It's been just over 3 weeks since I swapped it with Manifestation Magic audio. I've saved them all in my iTunes and often have them on randomly on repeat, especially "Daytime Wealth Energy Orbiting", "Whispering Waves", "The Heartbeat" and "Stargaze".
I've tried many other sound files such as white noise for concentration, jungle, sea waves, rain, etc before, but Manifestation Magic seems to keep me calm, collected and focused on work more. I do often find myself 'in tranquility' if I may say so! I've also noticed that some bedtime sound files such as "Twilight Transformation" would send me to sleep amazingly quickly.
I'd like to think that these "brainwave" sounds may be helping, though I know if I wanted to try them out (Alpha, Theta, Beta sounds) I could always find them on YouTube easily.

Have I Become Wealthier?

Oh God no, of course not.
In my opinion, Alexander's ebooks and the audio files have helped me to, and will definitely help you to, organize your mindset towards wealth. No magic, but good guidance to the Law of Attraction. This product is focused on wealth other than anything else (such as relationship, health, etc.) But it will help you especially if you;
  • tend to be easily distracted.
  • have trouble trying to achieve your goals.
  • think your mind is elsewhere due to some problems that you have.
  • have trouble sleeping at night.

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Manifestation Magic offers 100% money back if you're not happy with it, and claim it within the 60 days of purchase.

Manifestation Magic Pros and Cons


  • Helps you to build a wealthy mindset.
  • eBook is easy to digest.
  • Multiple accessibility (smartphone app, Kindle, iBook as well as desktop).
  • 60-day money-back guarantee.


  • Entrance level guide - not so much in detail.
  • Misleading sales ad (it won't make you rich automatically).
  • manifestation Magic: Go To Website:

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